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Dear Sir or Madam, 

You will find attached to this message information regarding the French Summer Course at the University of Geneva. 

Our programme, which takes place since 1891, offers a French language course in summer in a unique international environment in the heart of an historic city. We welcome hundreds of students each year from all over the world who wish to improve their French. 

The courses are taught by highly qualified teachers. Language courses in the morning are combined with a large variety of lectures and cultural activities in the afternoon. 

Several sessions running for a period of three weeks and six weeks are proposed for all levels of learners, from absolute beginners to the most advanced students. There is also a programme available specifically for students wishing to prepare for French-medium university studies. The courses are open to all individuals who are seventeen years old or above. 

You will find all relevant information in the attached PDF document. 

For any further information or to download the PDF document in other languages, please consult our website: https://www.unige.ch/lettres/elcf/coursete/en/ 

It is also possible to order leaflets or posters by writing to us at: cefle@unige.ch 

We thank you for forwarding this information to people in your organisation who may be interested in these courses or who may be able to distribute this information to those who are interested.

Yours Sincerely, 

Dr. Jean-Marc Luscher

Director of the Maison des Langues – University of Geneva 

Cours d’été de français

Université de Genève

5 rue de Candolle

1211 Genève 4

Tél. + 41.22.379.74.34




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16600, м.Ніжин Чернігівської області, вул.Графська, 2

Приймальна ректора: (04631) 7-19-22

Приймальна комісія: (04631) 7-80-70

Приймальна комісія: +380977973948

E-mail: ndu@ndu.edu.ua

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