Факультет філології, історії та політико-юридичних наук


Кафедра української мови, літератури, культурології та журналістики

Кафедра прикладної лінгвістики

Кафедра германської філології та методики викладання іноземних мов

Кафедра всесвітньої історії та міжнародних відносин

Кафедра історії України

Кафедра політології, права та філософії

Лабораторія лінгвокультурології

Новини факультету


plotnikov at ndu.edu.ua

Associate professor

Department of Germanic Philology and Foreign Language Teaching Methodology




  • associate professor, ISCED: 0114 Teacher training with subject specialization; 0231 Language acquisition
  • 2013 PhD in Education, Kyiv National Linguistic University (Ukraine)
  • 2004 Specialist (MA) in Teaching Foreign Languages, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University (Ukraine)



Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (undergraduate), Foreign Language Learning Planning and Curriculum Design; Research Seminar; Project Management; Research Writing in Language and Education Studies (postgradute)



Foreign language teaching methodology; technology enhanced learning; research methodology; applied linguistics; diversity and inclusion; internationalization.


Selected Publications

  1. Plotnikov, Y., & Tezikova, S. (2023). Tsentr neperervnoi osvity i profesiinoi doskonalosti v Nizhynskomu derzhavnomu universytet imeni Mykoly Hoholia: kontseptualni idei, nabutyi dosvid ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Excellence at Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University: Conceptual ideas, experience and development outlook]. In S. Kalashnikova (Ed.). Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Theory and Practice. Institute of Higher Education of NAES of Ukraine. https://doi.org/10.31874/TE.2023
  2. Zagoruiko, L., Plotnikov, Y., & Petyur, R. (2023). Perceptions and outcomes of international academic mobility: A case of Ukrainian academia staff members. Working Papers Series ‘Meeting New Challenges in Education’, 47-52. Nottingham Trent University. https://www.ntu.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/2022066/Issue-1.pdf
  3. Plotnikov, Y. & Zienia, L. (2022). Zabezpechennia yakosti inshomovnykh osvitnikh prohram: anotovana bibliohrafiia [Quality assurance of foreign language study programmes: annotated bibliography]. Visnyk KNLU. Seriia “Pedahohika ta psykholohiia” [Herald of KNLU. Series “Pedagogy and Psychology”]. 37, 103-113. https://doi.org/10.32589/2412-9283.37.2022.272907
  4. Stivens, R., Al-Falahi, A., Bornmalm, L., Gaima, M., Chuzhekova, T., Iakymenko, G., Lysovenko, S., Orlenko, T., Plotnikov, Y., Pochaievets, O., Radomska, M., Semkiv, M., & Yatsenko, Y. (2022). Ukrainian knowledge exchange and scientific resilience. PLATFORM for development of multi-national projects in education and research. https://6eb9cbad-6cbd-43cd-b557-7a0923037dac.filesusr.com/ugd/d7634c_027fec8cd3294e5a8590ca3b1e57c263.pdf
  5. Plotnikov, Y., & Rolik, A. (2022). “Shchastia poriadnoi liudyny” abo motyv vidkhodu-i-povernennia v khudozhnii literaturi [“The Happiness of a Good Man” and the motive of departure-and-return in fiction]. Literature and Culture of Polissya, 107(21), 41-48. https://doi.org/10.31654/2520-69-66-2022-21f-107-41-48
  6. Krasulia, A., Plotnikov, Y. & Zagoruiko. (2021). Hidden inequalities in education: Case of in-service English Language Teachers Training in Ukraine. In M.P. Bhandari, H. Shvindina (Eds.) Social Inequality as a Global Challenge (pp. 243-274). Rivers Publishers.
  7. Zabolotna, O., Zagoruiko, L., Panchenko, I., & Plotnikov, Y. (2021). Teaching English vocabulary online: is the screen a barrier? Advanced Education, 17, 57–64. https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.228670
  8. Medina, T., Plotnikov, Y., & Zagoruiko, L. (2021). Women academics in Ukrainian tertiary education: Gendered image of occupational segregation. Cadernos de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade, 14, 31-44. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v14.se1.2021.31-44
  9. Plotnikov, Y. & Goshylyk, V. (2020). Nastavnytstvo v haluzi navchannia inozemnykh mov: anotovana bibliohrafiia [Mentoring in teaching foreign languages: annotated bibliography]. Visnyk KNLU. Seriia “Pedahohika ta psykholohiia” [Herald of KNLU. Series “Pedagogy and Psychology”]. 33, 101-110. https://doi.org/10.32589/2412-9283.33.2020.221693
  10. Plotnikov, Y. (2013). Formuvannia anhlomovnoi retseptyvnoi hramatychnoi kompetentsii u maibutnikh uchyteliv z vykorystanniam multymediinykh navchalnykh zasobiv [Developing the receptive grammar competence of future teachers of English using multimedia tools] [PhD dissertation, Kyiv National Linguistic University].




  • 2023. “Social inclusion in higher education institutions” (funded by EUPRIO (European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education))
  • 2023. “Introducing and researching new practices in the workflow of in-service teacher professional development” project (funded by EERA (European Educational Research Association) through UERA (Ukrainian Educational Research Association))
  • 2022-2023. "Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2022/2023" project (Leibniz University Hannover; DAAD)
  • 2022-2023. “PLATFORM for development of multi-national projects in education and research” (Swedish Institute, University of Gothenburg)
  • 2022-2023. “Professional Development for Instructors of Pre-Service EFL Teachers” project (US Embassy in Ukraine, RELO)
  • 2022-ongoing. The UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative (Cormack Consultancy Group; The Fund of the President of Ukraine for the support of Education, Science, and Sports; Universities UK International)
  • 2021-2023. "UTTERLY: University teachers’ certification centres: innovative approach to promoting teaching excellence" project (ERASMUS+, Action: KA 2: Capacity building in the field of higher education)
  • 2021-2022. "Management in Ukrainian Local Government Institutions for Community Leaders / Middle Managers / Public Service Officers" programme (part of "Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE)" project: Krakow University of Economics; USAID)
  • 2019-2021. “Ukraine Higher Education Teaching Excellence Programme” project (British Council Ukraine, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Advance HE (UK))
  • 2020-2023. "Learning through Play at School Research Study" project (LEGO Foundation, The Australian Council for Educational Research, Ukrainian Educational Research Association)
  • 2017-2018. “Innovative University and Leadership. Phase III: innovations and external relations” project (Department “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw University; Department of International and Political Studies, Krakow “Jagellonian” University; International Foundation of Educational Studies)
  • 2017-2018. “Through Research to Perfection: New Approaches to Continuous Professional Development of In-Service Teachers” project (supported by the GEANT association)
  • 2017. “Decentralization in Education: New Approaches to Continuous Professional Development of School Teachers” project (part of “Ukrainian Regional Platform of Public Initiatives” funded by the Delegation of European Union in Ukraine)
  • 2017. “Active Citizens” project (British Council Ukraine)
  • 2016. “English Language Retreat / GoGlobal Initiative” project (funded by the US Embassy in Ukraine)
  • 2013 – 2018. “New Generation School Teacher” project (British Council Ukraine)
  • 2014-2015. “Facilitative Leadership” project (Initiative Mittel- und Osteuropa e.V., Germany)

Distinctions and Awards

2017 - "Enlighten Your Research @EaPConnect" Award by GEANT Association (Best Research Project in EU Eastern Partnership Countries)


  • EERA (European Educational Research Association)
  • EAIE (European Association for International Education)
  • EUPRIO (European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education)

Roles on external bodies

  • Convenor and reviewer at network ‘10. Teacher Education Research’ of EERA (2022 - present)
  • Expert of the National Agency of Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Ukraine (2019 - present).


  • Erasmus+ teaching mobility at Suleyman Demirel University (Isparta, Turkey, 2023)
  • internship at Leibniz Hannover University, Leipzig University (Germany, 2022-2023)
  • internship at Shenyang Normal University (China, 2018)
  • study visit to Tianjin Foreign Studies University (China, 2017)
  • internship at University of Warsaw, Krakow “Jagellonian” University (Poland, 2017)
  • internship at Madison Community College (USA, 2013)


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Приймальна комісія: +380977973948

E-mail: ndu@ndu.edu.ua

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