Факультет філології, історії та політико-юридичних наук


Кафедра української мови, літератури, культурології та журналістики

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Лабораторія лінгвокультурології

Новини факультету



Senior Lecturer

Department of Germanic Philology and Foreign Language Teaching Methodology




PhD in Philology (10.02.04 Germanic Languages)

2017 Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University

2008 Master’s degree in Teaching Foreign Languages, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University (Ukraine)

2007 Specialist (MA) in Teaching English, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University (Ukraine)



 General English, Theoretical Grammar, Communicative Linguistics, Translation.



Cognitive linguistics, construction grammar, discourse studies, media discourse, rhetoric and translation.


Selected Publications


Tezikova, S., Slyvka, V., Nahach, M. & Mishchenko, T. (2023). The bachelor's degree programme in philology and translation: an ın-depth analysis of educational services. In K. Büyükkarcı & A. Önal (Eds.), Current studies in foreign language education, (pp. 34-58). ISRES Publishing.

Mishchenko T. V., Lutsenko O. V. (2023). Porivnialnyi analiz rytoryky Dzh. Baidena ta B. Dzhonsona pro viinu v Ukraini: syla chy dyplomatiia? [Comparative analysis of Joe Biden’s and Boris Johnson’s rhetoric on war in Ukraine: force or diplomacy?]. Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnoho humanitarnoho universytetu. Seriia: «Filolohiia» [International Humanitarian University Herald. Philology]. 2, 59, 133-137. https://doi.org/10.32841/2409-1154.2023.59.2.30

Mishchenko T. V., Labuta O.H. (2023). Perekladatski stratehii dlia dosiahnennia adekvatnosti perekladu zaholovkiv i zaholovnykh kompleksiv [Translation strategies for achieving adequacy of translation of headlines and headline complexes]. Zakarpatski filolohichni studii [Transcarpathian Philological Studies]. 1, 29, 249-253. https://doi.org/10.32782/tps2663-4880/2023.29.1.46

Mishchenko T. V. (2023). Kvantyfikatory yak zasoby intensyfikatsii vplyvu na emotsii chytachiv v anhlomovnomu novynnomu dyskursi [Quantifiers as means of intensifying the impact on readers' emotions in English-language news discourse]. Tekst i dyskurs: kohnityvno-komunikatyvni perspektyvy: materialy VI Vseukrainskoi naukovoi internet-konferentsii (21-22 bereznia 2023 roku Kamianets-Podilskyi) [Text and discourse: cognitive and communicative perspectives: materials of the VI All-Ukrainian Scientific Internet Conference]. (March 21-22, 2023, Kamianets-Podilskyi), 65-67. [in Ukrainian].

Mishchenko T. V., Lutsenko O. V. (2022). Rhetorical devices of persuasion in Joe Biden’s speeches. Vcheni zapysky TNU imeni V. I. Vernadskoho. Seriia: Filolohiia. Zhurnalistyka [Scientific notes of V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University", Series: "Philology. Journalism]. 33 (72), 1, 1, 161 – 166.

Mishchenko T. V., (2022) Mediine zobrazhennia ukrainskykh tsyvilnykh v anhlomovnykh novynnykh stattiakh BBC: konstruktsiinyi aspekt [Media representation of Ukrainian civilians in English BBC news stories]. Vseukrainska naukova konferentsiia pamiati doktora filolohichnykh nauk, profesora d. I. Kveselevycha (1935-2003), (20 travnia 2022, Zhytomyr) [All-Ukrainian scientific conference in memory of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor D. I. Kveselevich(1935-2003)] (May 20, 2022, Zhytomyr), 28-32. [in Ukrainian].

Mishchenko T. V. (2021). Motyvatsiinyi aspekt funktsionuvannia frazeolohichnykh odynyts v anhlomovnykh novynnykh tekstakh: kohnityvno-rytorychnyi pidkhid [Motivational aspect of functioning of phraseological units in English news stories: a cognitive rhetorical approach]. Pivdennyi arkhiv (filolohichni nauky) [Southern Archive (philological sciences)]. 86, 70-75.

Mishchenko T. English idioms with the meaning of blockage: constructional approach. Cognitive Linguistics in Wroclaw Conference, Dec. 2-3, 2017. — Access: https://sites.google.com/site/coglingwroc3/a-z-full-papers

Mishchenko T.V. (2017). Kohnityvno-rytorychni funktsii frazeolohizmiv v anhlomovnomu zhurnalnomu dyskursi [Cognitive rhetorical functions of phraseological units in English magazine discourse] [PhD dissertation, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University].

Mishchenko T.V. (2016) Frazeolohichni odynytsi oriientatsiino-prostorovoi semantyky v suchasnii anhliiskii movi: linhvokohnityvnyi aspect [Idioms denoting spatial orientation in modern English: linguistic cognitive perspective]. Odeskyi linhvistychnyi visnyk [Odessa Linguistic Journal], 7, 73–77.


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