- associate professor, ISCED: 0100 Education; 0113 Teacher training
- 2012 PhD in Education, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University (Ukraine)
- 2004 Specialist (MA) in Teaching Foreign Languages and Literature, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University (Ukraine)
English as a Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (undergraduate/postgraduate), General English (undergraduate), Teaching Practicum (postgraduate)
Foreign language teaching methodology; technology enhanced learning; teaching practicum/school experience, ESL pre-service teacher training, teacher leadership
Selected Publications
- Ponomarenko, O., Smelianska, V., Shcherba, N. & Shkola, I. (2024). Collaborative online university learning: challenges and perspectives. In K. Büyükkarcı & A. Önal (Eds.), The future of foreign language education: innovations in different modes of teaching, (pp. 129-150). ISRES Publishing.
- Ponomarenko, O., Davydenko, O. & Taran, O. (2023). The way to the classroom: EFL pre-service teachers’ school experience. In K. Büyükkarcı & A. Önal (Eds.), Current studies in foreign language education, (pp. 258-279). ISRES Publishing.
- Smelianska, V., Ponomarenko, O. & Plotnikov, Y. (2023). Enhancing teaching and learning in ELT methodology: a focus on effective session design. In K. Büyükkarcı & A. Önal (Eds.), Current studies in foreign language education, (pp. 59-75). ISRES Publishing.
- Ponomarenko O., Taran О. (2023). English language teaching methodology. Module 1. Understanding learners and learning. Activity book: Psychological factors in language learning. Nizhyn: NMGSU. 89 p.
- Taran, O., Davydenko, O., Karpenko, N., Larina, T., Lytvynenko, S., Ponomarenko, O., Slivka, V.,& Smelianska, V. (2023). Practical course of the English language: teaching manual for first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages (part 2), 213. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University.
- Taran, O., Davydenko, O., Karpenko, N., Larina, T., Lytvynenko, S., Ponomarenko, O., Slivka, V. & Smelyanska, V. (2021). Practical course of the English language: teaching manual for first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages (part 1), 220. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University.
- Taran, O. M., Karpenko, N. M., Larina, T. V., Ponomarenko, O. V., Slyvka, V. P., Smelianska, V. V., & Davidenko, O. V. (2019). First Year Grammar Companion: navch. posib. dlia studentiv I kursu f-tu in. mov. Nizhyn: NDU im. M. Hoholya, 173 p.
- Davydenko, O., & Ponomarenko, O. (2018). Use of podcasting to develop listening skills in undergraduate students. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, 5 (25), 43–46. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2018.139395
- Davydenko, O., & Ponomarenko, O. (2017). The use of Internet news in teaching reading to undergraduate students. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, 12 (20), 4–7. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2017.118466
- Moskalets, O. O., & Ponomarenko, O. V. (2015). Rozvytok motivatsii do vchennia inozemnykh mov u studentiv yak dzherelo profesiinoho rozvytku vchytacha [Development of students' motivation to learn foreign languages as a source of teacher's professional development]. Visnyk CNPU (Seria: pedagigichni nauky) [Herald of CNPU (Series: Education Sciences)]. 131, 92 – 95.
- Ponomarenko, O. (2012). Problema formuvannia liderskyh yakostei u pedagogichniy osviti SSA [The problem of developing leadership qualities in pedagogical education in the USA] [PhD dissertation, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University].
- 2024. “Exploring and Enacting Holistic Language Pedagogies” project (Childhood Education International and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine)
- February – April 2024. Collaborative Online International Learning (the Hague University of Applied Sciences, Cormack Consultancy Group within the Twinning Initiative)
- 2016 – 2019. “New Generation School Teacher” project (British Council Ukraine)
- 2016. “English Language Retreat / GoGlobal Initiative” project (funded by the US Embassy in Ukraine)
- TESOL International Association
- Childhood Education International
Distinctions and Awards
- 2024 – Diploma of Appreciation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- 2019 – Diploma of Merit of the Department of Education and Science of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration
- study visit to Riga (Latvia, 2024)
- study visit to the University of Wolverhampton (Great Britain, 2023)
Professional Development