Факультет філології, історії та політико-юридичних наук


Кафедра української мови, літератури, культурології та журналістики

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Лабораторія лінгвокультурології

Новини факультету


smelianska.victoria at ndu.edu.ua

BA Secondary Education. English Language and World Literature Study Programme director, associate professor

Department of Germanic Philology and Foreign Language Teaching Methodology




  • associate professor, ISCED: 13.00.01 General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy
  • 2011 PhD in Education, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
  • 1998 Specialist (MA) in Teaching Language and Literature (English, German), Nizhyn Mykola Gogol Teacher Training Institute, Nizhyn



Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (undergraduate), General English (undergraduate); Practical Grammar (undergraduate)



Foreign language teaching methodology, online/ distance teaching, SEL in EFLT


Selected Publications

  1. Ponomarenko, O., Smelianska, V., Shcherba, N. & Shkola, I. (2024). Collaborative online university learning: Challenges and perspectives. In K. Büyükkarcı & A. Önal (Eds.), The future of foreign language education: Innovations in different modes of teaching, (pp. 129-150). ISRES Publishing. https://www.isres.org/m/the-future-of-foreign-language-education-innovations-in-different-modes-of-teaching-71-b.html 
  2. Smelianska, V., Ponomarenko, O. & Plotnikov, Y. (2023). Enhancing teaching and learning in ELT methodology: a focus on effective session design. Current studies in foreign language education, 59–75. ISRES Publishing.https://www.isres.org/current-studies-in-foreign-language-education-42-b.html
  3. Taran, O., Ponomarenko, Smelianska, V. (2024). Action research in teaching foreign languages, 22. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University. http://lib.ndu.edu.ua/dspace/handle/123456789/3633
  4. Smelianska, V., Ponomarenko, O. & Plotnikov, Y. (2023). Enhancing teaching and learning in ELT methodology: a focus on effective session design. Current studies in foreign language education, 59–75. ISRES Publishing. https://www.isres.org/current-studies-in-foreign-language-education-42-b.html
  5. Smelianska, V., Plotnikov, E. (2023). Making the most of Flip to assess students online in higher education. 2023 TESOL-Ukraine National Convention. Teaching English in Wartime: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Building and Social Change: Book of Convention Papers, 133–135. http://www.tesol-ukraine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/TESOL-Convention-2023-Book-of-Papers.pdf
  6. Taran, O., Davydenko, O. , Karpenko, N. , Larina, T., Lytvynenko, S., Ponomarenko, O., Slivka, V., Smelianska, V. (2023). Practical course of the English language: teaching manual for first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages (part 2), 213. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University. http://lib.ndu.edu.ua/dspace/handle/123456789/3637
  7. Larina, T., Smelianska, V. , & Khalymon, I. (2022). Creating interaction in EFL online learning via discussion forum. Strategies of intercultural communication in language education of modern universities [Electronic resource]: coll. materials of the International of science conference, Kyiv (April 20–21, 2021), 168-172 https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/2010/37947/smkmosu_22.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  8. Karpenko, N., Smelianska, V. (2021). How to design EFL online learning activities. Materials of the VII International Scientific Conference "Strategies of Intercultural Communication in Language Education of Modern Universities", 176–179. https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/2010/36386/smkmosu_21.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  9. Taran, O., Davydenko, O., Karpenko, N., Larina, T., Lytvynenko, S., Ponomarenko, O., Slivka, V., Smelyanska, V.  (2021). Practical course of the English language: teaching manual for first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages (part 1), 220. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University. http://lib.ndu.edu.ua/dspace/handle/123456789/3636
  10. Hrytsai, A., Smelianska, V. (2020). Methodological recommendations for the development of foreign language lexical competence and translation skills for students in the II year of the full-time department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, 44. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University.
  11. Karpenko, N., Smelianska, V. (2019). An integrated approach to the formation of competence in foreign language academic writing of students of the 1st year of language faculties. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education. 3(30), 18–22. https://journals.uran.ua/sr_edu/issue/view/10331
  12. Smelianska, V. (2012). Use of information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages in US primary schools. Bulletin of Zhytomyr State University. (64), 140–144.
  13. Smelianska, V. (2011). Tendentsii rozvytku rannoho navchannia inozemnykh mov v pochatkovii shkoli SShA [Trends in the development of early learning of foreign languages in the US primary schools] [PhD dissertation, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University].




  • 2022–2024. “Professional Development for Instructors of Pre-Service EFL Teachers” project (US Embassy in Ukraine, RELO)
  • 2022–ongoing. The UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative (Cormack Consultancy Group; The Fund of the President of Ukraine for the support of Education, Science, and Sports; Universities UK International)
  • 2022–ongoing. ‘Virtual English Language Educators’ (U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, RELO)
  • 2016. “English Language Retreat/ GoGlobal Initiative” project (funded by the US Embassy in Ukraine)
  • 2013–2019. “New Generation School Teacher” project (British Council Ukraine)


  • TESOL International (international association)
  • TESOL Ukraine (a national non-governmental association)
  • European Education and Science in Ukraine (a non-governmental association)


  • Professional development visit to Hunter College, City University of New York in “Professional Development for Instructors of Pre-Service EFL Teachers” project (USA, 2023)
  • International microdegree program “Educational Innovation and Leadership” in Tallinn University (Estonia, 2024)

Professional Development



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Приймальна ректора: (04631) 7-19-22

Приймальна комісія: (04631) 7-80-70

Приймальна комісія: +380977973948

E-mail: ndu@ndu.edu.ua

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