- associate professor, ISCED: 13.00.01 General Pedagogy and History of Pedagogy
- 2011 PhD in Education, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
- 1998 Specialist (MA) in Teaching Language and Literature (English, German), Nizhyn Mykola Gogol Teacher Training Institute, Nizhyn
Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (undergraduate), General English (undergraduate); Practical Grammar (undergraduate)
Foreign language teaching methodology, online/ distance teaching, SEL in EFLT
Selected Publications
- Ponomarenko, O., Smelianska, V., Shcherba, N. & Shkola, I. (2024). Collaborative online university learning: Challenges and perspectives. In K. Büyükkarcı & A. Önal (Eds.), The future of foreign language education: Innovations in different modes of teaching, (pp. 129-150). ISRES Publishing. https://www.isres.org/m/the-future-of-foreign-language-education-innovations-in-different-modes-of-teaching-71-b.html
- Smelianska, V., Ponomarenko, O. & Plotnikov, Y. (2023). Enhancing teaching and learning in ELT methodology: a focus on effective session design. Current studies in foreign language education, 59–75. ISRES Publishing.https://www.isres.org/current-studies-in-foreign-language-education-42-b.html
- Taran, O., Ponomarenko, Smelianska, V. (2024). Action research in teaching foreign languages, 22. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University. http://lib.ndu.edu.ua/dspace/handle/123456789/3633
- Smelianska, V., Ponomarenko, O. & Plotnikov, Y. (2023). Enhancing teaching and learning in ELT methodology: a focus on effective session design. Current studies in foreign language education, 59–75. ISRES Publishing. https://www.isres.org/current-studies-in-foreign-language-education-42-b.html
- Smelianska, V., Plotnikov, E. (2023). Making the most of Flip to assess students online in higher education. 2023 TESOL-Ukraine National Convention. Teaching English in Wartime: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Building and Social Change: Book of Convention Papers, 133–135. http://www.tesol-ukraine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/TESOL-Convention-2023-Book-of-Papers.pdf
- Taran, O., Davydenko, O. , Karpenko, N. , Larina, T., Lytvynenko, S., Ponomarenko, O., Slivka, V., Smelianska, V. (2023). Practical course of the English language: teaching manual for first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages (part 2), 213. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University. http://lib.ndu.edu.ua/dspace/handle/123456789/3637
- Larina, T., Smelianska, V. , & Khalymon, I. (2022). Creating interaction in EFL online learning via discussion forum. Strategies of intercultural communication in language education of modern universities [Electronic resource]: coll. materials of the International of science conference, Kyiv (April 20–21, 2021), 168-172 https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/2010/37947/smkmosu_22.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
- Karpenko, N., Smelianska, V. (2021). How to design EFL online learning activities. Materials of the VII International Scientific Conference "Strategies of Intercultural Communication in Language Education of Modern Universities", 176–179. https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/2010/36386/smkmosu_21.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
- Taran, O., Davydenko, O., Karpenko, N., Larina, T., Lytvynenko, S., Ponomarenko, O., Slivka, V., Smelyanska, V. (2021). Practical course of the English language: teaching manual for first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages (part 1), 220. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University. http://lib.ndu.edu.ua/dspace/handle/123456789/3636
- Hrytsai, A., Smelianska, V. (2020). Methodological recommendations for the development of foreign language lexical competence and translation skills for students in the II year of the full-time department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, 44. Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University.
- Karpenko, N., Smelianska, V. (2019). An integrated approach to the formation of competence in foreign language academic writing of students of the 1st year of language faculties. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education. 3(30), 18–22. https://journals.uran.ua/sr_edu/issue/view/10331
- Smelianska, V. (2012). Use of information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages in US primary schools. Bulletin of Zhytomyr State University. (64), 140–144.
- Smelianska, V. (2011). Tendentsii rozvytku rannoho navchannia inozemnykh mov v pochatkovii shkoli SShA [Trends in the development of early learning of foreign languages in the US primary schools] [PhD dissertation, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University].
- 2022–2024. “Professional Development for Instructors of Pre-Service EFL Teachers” project (US Embassy in Ukraine, RELO)
- 2022–ongoing. The UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative (Cormack Consultancy Group; The Fund of the President of Ukraine for the support of Education, Science, and Sports; Universities UK International)
- 2022–ongoing. ‘Virtual English Language Educators’ (U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, RELO)
- 2016. “English Language Retreat/ GoGlobal Initiative” project (funded by the US Embassy in Ukraine)
- 2013–2019. “New Generation School Teacher” project (British Council Ukraine)
- TESOL International (international association)
- TESOL Ukraine (a national non-governmental association)
- European Education and Science in Ukraine (a non-governmental association)
- Professional development visit to Hunter College, City University of New York in “Professional Development for Instructors of Pre-Service EFL Teachers” project (USA, 2023)
- International microdegree program “Educational Innovation and Leadership” in Tallinn University (Estonia, 2024)
Professional Development