У своїй лекції професор Стів Манн розповів про потенціал використання відео як рефлективного інструменту підготовки майбутніх учителів іноземних мов. Він наголосив на визначальній ролі рефлексії у навчанні вчителів та її ефективності у змішаному та дистанційному форматах програм професійного розвитку. Лектор поділився власними добірками відеоматеріалів, порадами та досвідом використання відео як інструменту рефлексії.
Онлайн-лекція отримала схвальні відгуки і високі оцінки від здобувачів освіти.
“I am glad that I took part in the webinar because it was full of useful resources for teaching learners through videos. Dr. Steve Mann gave me an insight into reflective practice, describing it from a philosophical point of view. I've found out what is Kaizen, an innovation that is based on many small changes rather than radical changes. Importantly, teachers take ownership for their work and related improvements.”
Влада Гетьманчук
“This meeting was very useful! I've learnt about reflective teaching and that it means looking at what you do in the classroom. Moreover, Kaizen is the practice of continuous quality improvement within one's teaching. Besides, the professor shared great ideas how we can watch and record our own videos (on Vilte) and lots of examples of teachers for microteaching. We can look for different tools and technologies to improve our teaching way. I really enjoyed Lyricstraining. Thanks:) ”
Вероніка Яхимович
“This lecture was full of useful information forme. I've understood that videos are extremely important in EFL classroom. I thank Steve that he shared a lot of resources with us. They are Lyricstraining.com, Vilte, Teachertrainingvideos.com.
Аліна Меркулова
“This was an amazing lecture which gave me profitable information for my future job. Now I understand the value of video as a tool for teacher development. Thanks a million to Steve for his speech and resources:) ”
Марія Степанчук
“That was a quite useful and informative lecture. I’ve picked some useful tools especially I liked the one that is called Lyricstraining, because learning through lyrics is always more enjoyable. Thanks a bunch to Steve for this piece of information! ”
Софія Лапа
Вдячні професору Манну за інформативну, надихаючу зустріч і щире, дружне, тепле професійне спілкування!