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21 березня 2024 року відбулося заняття з методики викладання іноземної мови зі студентами 4 курсу ОПП Середня освіта. Англійська мова та зарубіжна література першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти, яке провела випускниця освітньої програми, викладач, власниця школи іноземних мов NoButs English School та роботодавець Ірина Нікітенко. Заняття пройшло у змішаній формі, що дало змогу залучити максимальну кількість студентів до роботи з професіоналом-практиком та обговорення інструментів професійного розвитку вчителя англійської мови у 21 столітті.

Натхненність та творчий підхід до проведення зустрічі не залишили жодного з її учасників байдужим до проблем професійного розвитку вчителя та сприяли активній участі студентів в обговоренні актуальних тем у цій царині. Усі учасники зустрічі отримали безцінний досвід, що надихає на плідну педагогічну діяльність.

When it comes to professional development, it's often hard to decide where to start. However, meetings with inspirational people often motivates all of us to improve in area of our interests. To be honest, the meeting we had exceeded my expectations. I found most all of the recommendations given extremely helpful. It's really important to follow advice of person who actually tells it from their experience. Besides, I got answers to questions which worried me. And I was given answers in really friendly and just way, so it felt more like friendly conversation rather than lecture. In addition to that, we were suggested work at online-school with great opportunities for professional development and supportive team. Considering all of the aspects above, I believe that the meeting we had helped me much as a future teacher and helped me to rethink many of stereotypes I used to have before. I'm looking forward for new opportunities of communication with such inspiring people in future!Masha Korotun

After attending a class conducted by a former student of our university, I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, I saw what a simple girl with 5 years of experience can do, and what she is capable of. On the other hand, I did not see that she was tired and devastated, but completely the opposite. It was clear that she really likes what she does, it is easy for her to talk about her profession and share secrets. If I mentioned the experience from my school practice, most of the teachers there were devastated and exhausted. I think this girl is a good example for us not to lose our enthusiasm at the beginning of our way.” Andriy Martyshchenko

“After listening to Iryna Nikitenko's presentation, I realized the following things for myself: first and foremost, a teacher can never be perfect and so sometimes we may not know something, but the whole life of a teacher is learning, that is, we never stand still, we constantly learn something, we learn something new. For example, as Iryna mentioned, we can take such courses as TESOL, TEFL, CELTA and others to improve. In addition, it will be useful to learn new things about the psychology of student behavior and how their brain works, thus it will be easier to select tasks and find an approach to students. In addition, we have to believe in ourselves, meet with other teachers, discuss, give feedback. During the discussion, I also realized for myself that the teacher should pay the main attention to the student's communication skills, that is, as a result, the student should speak and that, unfortunately, our education system is still developing in this regard. Also, useful information for me was how to properly give homework to students and that homework should not be treated so strictly. Overall, I was very grateful to Irina for the experience she shared and was impressed by her enthusiasm and passion for teaching.” Valeriia Bozha

Meeting with Iryna who has achieved remarkable success was a deeply insightful experience. Her willingness to share new tips and insights from her journey was both inspiring.  The tips she shared, such as innovative teaching methods and effective communication strategies, were practical and valuable. It was evident that her success was not just based on academic knowledge but also on her ability to adapt and innovate in a competitive environment.  The meeting served as a reminder of the importance of continuous learning and staying open to new ideas and perspectives.Veronika Yakhymovych

Meeting with Iryna Nikitenko was like a breath of fresh air. Iryna's story showed that there is life after university. She told us in detail about her journey from a student and a beginner in an online school to the head teacher of her own school. She said that she had found a lot of webinars, courses, articles that she was going to read or attend. But still, she didn't complete any of them. The main reason was that she didn't know what she needed to improve and what gaps in her knowledge she had as a teacher. Everything changed after providing reflection. From Irina's experience, I've realized the importance of reflection, as it helps you to focus on what you really need. So I will definitely reflect on everything I see and do in order to move in the right direction. It was also great that we had the opportunity to ask not only about CPD, but also about other aspects of teaching like students' motivation, assessment and even the necessity of homework.  Her pieces of advice were brilliant and I took note of them.” Alina Merkulova

In the previous session with Iryna I learnt many new things about teacher development. So she is a perfect example of reaching the goal after her studying and she is really inspiring. I really liked the thing that she told about writing the question to yourself “what do I want?” and write what  you want your students and your career to look like. Moreover, it was interesting for me to listen to the tips how to switch students’ minds, because usually when you come to the class you see the faces students who are not motivated and don’t want to work. I’d like to have some kind of the same business as Iryna has so that’s why it was essential for me to listen to all the tips connected with her development as not only a teacher but as a businesswoman and as a person.” Sophia Lapa

Reflecting on my meeting with the experienced teacher, it was an incredibly enriching experience. There was an instant sense of closeness between us, fostered by our shared dedication to teaching. Throughout our discussion, I gained invaluable insights into effective teaching methodologies, classroom management techniques, and fostering a positive learning environment. One of the most impactful insights I gained from our conversation was the importance of teacher well-being. Iryna Nikitenko emphasized the need for educators to prioritize self-care, including getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy diet, to effectively engage with students. This resonated deeply with me, highlighting the critical role of personal readiness in facilitating meaningful learning experiences. Additionally, the teacher emphasized the significance of Students talking time. She stressed that students learn best when allowed to actively engage with the material and each other. Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of fostering an approach where mistakes are viewed as a natural part of the learning process. Students should feel empowered to make mistakes and learn from them without fear of judgment or shame. Overall, the meeting was truly enlightening, and I’m eager to implement the wisdom gained into my teaching practice.Vladyslava Hetmanchuk

I’m grateful for such an opportunity to listen to a graduate of our university Iryna. It was so encouraging and energetic and especially useful for us. During this session I understood that she is an inspirational example to follow. She gave us recommendations and shows the ways for professional development. She gave us an advice to reflect a lot and compared her knowledge now and then. I understood that we should put the goal and reflect on what we did and only then fiend the ways how to improve ourselves. She highlighted the importance of neurobiology and social emotional learning in the process of teaching. I’d like to empathize on the way she made presentation. It was really cute and up to date. It was a brilliant meeting and a great opportunity for improving our knowledge of self-development and I will definitely take her hints into consideration.” Mariia Stepanchuk


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