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12 квітня 2024 року була завершена робота проєкту COUL, що розпочався у березні в межах двостороннього договору про співробітництво між Ніжинським державним університетом імені Миколи Гоголя та Житомирським державним університетом імені Івана Франка. Проєкт був спрямований на організацію дистанційної академічної мобільності студентів 4 курсу першого бакалаврського рівня вищої освіти ОПП Середня освіта. Англійська мова та зарубіжна література під час вивчення курсу «Методика навчання іноземних мов», а саме шостого модуля «Професійний розвиток». Керували проєктом Ольга Пономаренко (Ніжинський державний університет імені Миколи Гоголя) та Наталія Щерба (Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка).

Протягом шести тижнів спільної роботи студенти ознайомилися з інструментами сталого професійного розвитку вчителя англійської мови, здійснили самооцінку своїх професійних компетентностей після проходження виробничої практики та визначили сфери діяльності та професійні якості учителя, які потребують удосконалення, що стало основою розробки групових планів професійного розвитку. Для реалізації проєкту було створено сайт для спільного використання та використані інструменти дистанційного навчання Zoom, Jamboard, Padlet, YouTube та ін.

Учасники поділилися своїми враженнями про спільну роботу над планом професійного розвитку:

My major takeaway from this collaboration is the importance of continuous learning and professional development. By actively participating in collaborative activities with peers, I realized the significance of ongoing reflection, feedback, and sharing of knowledge. This experience emphasized the benefits of seeking input from others and being open to different approaches, which can enhance not only my teaching skills but also various aspects of my education and life experience. The collaborative work highlighted the value of teamwork, communication, and collaboration in problem-solving and professional growth. It reinforced the notion that working together with colleagues can lead to new perspectives, innovative solutions, and a supportive network.’ Viktoria Herasymovych, ZSUIF

‘Creating a project with students from other university was really a great experience. At first, I wasn't sure how it would go because we were all from different places, but it turned out to be amazing. One thing that was super useful was getting to see different perspectives. Everyone had different ideas and ways of doing things. It made me realize that there's not just one right way to do something. Learning to be open-minded and consider different viewpoints is a valuable skill. We had to learn how to explain our ideas clearly and listen carefully to each other. This project taught me a lot about teamwork, communication and creativity. We have found many useful resources and tips that we will use in the future for our CPD. Overall, we did everything quick, well-structured and became good colleagues.’ Veronika Yakhymovych, NMGSU

‘It was the coolest time working with students from another university on a project! …This project taught me how to work in a team, share experience, and give feedback. We have discovered plenty of helpful resources we will use for CPD. In general, we got lots of benefits while working together and I hope we became good friends.Tetiana Vasylkivska, ZSUIF

‘I really enjoyed working with my group on the project, sharing ideas and collaborating to bring our vision to life. This project was an engaging experience for all of us, and we learned a lot of useful information along the way. We successfully tackled the tasks assigned to us and found effective solutions to any challenges that arose. Even after the project concluded, we exchanged social media links to stay connected and continue our communication. It was truly a pleasant and productive collaboration!Lesia Skrypniuk, ZSUIF

The most interesting and rewarding part of the training for me was realizing the power of collective intelligence. Despite individual divergences, our divergent perspectives enriched the quality of our professional development plans. Among the key takeaways I have drawn from this collaboration are the importance of effective communication, teamwork and resilience. These skills are invaluable not only in academia, but also in professional and personal life.Kateryna Bohdanovska, NMGSU

This project was more than just a challenge; it was an opportunity to grow, build relationships and contribute to a collective vision. The lessons learned and friendships made will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on my career and personal development. I am deeply grateful for this experience and look forward to its positive impact in my future efforts.Daria Chepiha, ZSUIF

Reflecting on our collaborative project with students from Zhytomyr University, I've realized the profound impact it had on my personal growth. Initially, I wasn't too keen on the idea of teamwork. As someone who usually prefers working solo, jumping into a group project felt a bit daunting, even though I know that teamwork is essential nowadays. But setting up a group chat to keep the communication flowing was a smart move. It really helped us stay on track and work together smoothly (well, most of the time). As we progressed, I started to see the real value in teamwork. Each person brought something unique to the table, making our project stronger. Sure, we faced our fair share of challenges along the way. But overcoming those obstacles taught me a lot. Looking back on it now, I can see how much I've grown from the experience. It's made me realize that being a team player isn't just about getting along with others—it's about listening, compromising, and stepping up when needed. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to develop my communication and adaptability skills. And it's made me realize that embracing new challenges can lead to some pretty rewarding outcomes. So, moving forward, I'm excited to keep building on what I've learned. Whether it's in school, work, or just life in general, I know that being a strong team player will always be an asset.’ Kate Naumenko, NMGSU


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